Data Science as a Route to AI for Middle- and High-School Students

Shriram Krishnamurthi, Emmanuel Schanzer, Joe Gibbs Politz, Benjamin S. Lerner, Kathi Fisler, Sam Dooman

AAAI 2019 Fall Symposium: Teaching AI in K-12, 2019


The Bootstrap Project’s Data Science curriculum has trained about 100 teachers who are using it around the country. It is specifically designed to aid adoption at a wide range of institutions. It emphasizes valuable curricular goals by drawing on both the education literature and on prior experience with other computing outreach projects. It embraces ‘‘three P’s’’ of data-oriented thinking: the promise, pitfalls, and perils. This paper briefly describes the curriculum’s design, content, and outcomes, and explains its value on the road to AI curricula.


Also find it on arXiv.



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