IPP Symposium


Security & Privacy

November 15, 2007

Please RSVP by November 9th to abt@cs.brown.edu or 401-863-7610


8:30  Breakfast and Registration
3rd Floor, CIT Building

9:15  Welcome
Host: Roberto Tamassia

9:30  Making Security Scale
Seth Proctor, Sun Microsystems

10:30 Break

10:45  Authentication of Outsourced Storage
David Croston, IAM Technology

11:45  Buffet Lunch
3rd Floor, CIT Building

1:00  Competition & Fraud in Online Advertising Markets
Steve Weis, Google

2:00  Break

2:15  On the Evolution of Authentication Factors
Moti Yung, Columbia University & Google

3:15  Break

3:30  New Techniques to Address Computer Security Threats
Blair Semple, Network Appliance

4:30  Reception