Programming with
Data Structures and Algorithms

Note: All email addresses below have an suffix.

Who we are

Shriram Krishnamurthi
(with Kefei Lei in the back half)
Head TA
Aimee Lucido (aimee)

Andy Chen (ac110)
Jason Fedor (jfedor)
Vishesh Jain (vj1)
Andrew Kovacs (akovacs)
Roie Levin (rl46)
Jincheng Li (jl253)
Jeanette Miranda (jmiranda)


3-3:30PM aimee vj1 rl46
3:30-4PM aimee vj1 rl46
4-4:30PM aimee vj1 rl46
4:30-5PM aimee vj1 rl46
5-5:30PM jfedor ac110
5:30-6PM jfedor ac110
6-6:30PM jfedor ac110
6:30-7PM jfedor ac110
7-7:30PM jl253 jmiranda akovacs
7:30-8PM jl253 jmiranda akovacs
8-8:30PM jl253 jmiranda akovacs
8:30-9PM jl253 jmiranda akovacs

Hours will be held in the Moonlab (CIT 227), except for Saturdays, where they are held in CIT 219.

How to Contact Us

In general, please always send email to the entire course staff by writing to cs019tas. This goes to all the TAs, the Head TA, and the Professor.
If you have a sensitive issue that you don't want the TAs to see, write to cs019headtas. This goes only to the Head TA and the Professor.
If you have an issue that you don't want even the Head TA to see, you can always contact the professor.

If you have questions about a grade on an assignment, first come to the hours of the TA who graded you. If you are still not satisfied, you can escalate your complaint.

How we reply

If you ask us a course question, we may think your question is of general interest. If so, we will reply to the mailing list; otherwise, we'll reply to you directly. When we reply to the group, we will attribute the question to you if and only if we think you should get credit for it. This makes it easy for you to ask "dumb" questions (which you should ask, because you're almost certainly not the only person who has that question in mind).

What not to do

In general, the broader the distribution you use, the quicker you will get a response, so please do not write to individual course staff unless they have asked you to do so; if you write a course staff member directly, they will ignore your message. Please remember that all course staff have an existence outside the context of this course, and their time when they aren't working as a TA is their own.

Want advice?

If you have an question unrelated to the course and just want one of the staff's advice, do ask us. We're generally friendly though, of course, we cannot commit to responding to emails not related to the course in a timely manner (if at all).