The Materials Science Project

Project Description

Our project will involve developing software for Nancy Nowak's after-school science program. She would like to teach the kids about materials science. Brian Sheldon and Janet Rankin, two Brown engineering professors, are involved in this collaboration as well. They will provide us with the scientific and mathematical background we need to develop the program.

     While our current audience is Nancy Nowak's class, Janet and Brian run workshops to teach Providence area school teachers how to integrate materials science into their curriculum. Thus, it is very possible that other local schools will use this program. In addition, Brown is one of twenty Materials Science Research Centers in the United States, which are dedicated to this kind of University-community collaboration. So, our program may have wider distribution as well.

System Capabilities
     The computer that Nancy is running in her classroom is a PC with a Pentium III processor, 9GB free hard drive space, a CD-ROM drive, and 64 MB of RAM. We are not too worried that her system will be able to handle our program. However, we would still like to make the program accessible to other classrooms who may not have such a high-end system.

     We are planning on developing a program that will allow students to build a diving board and see how the materials the student chose affect the behavior of the diving board. We will have numerous materials available for students to choose from. We will also allow the students to change the place of the fulcrum, the length of the board, the weight of the person diving, and the environment. Some varying environments would be on the moon (different gravity) or in places of varying temperature (to examine the effects on stiffness, etc). Nancy told us that the students have trouble understanding the concept of variables, so we would like to help the students in this area. We are thinking that it would be beneficial for there to be a teacher control that would allow her to design a setup that the kids would have to work from. For example, one day, everyone would have to build the best diving board on the moon.
     In order to increase student understanding of the concepts and not just guess and play around, we would like to ask the student to predict the behavior of the board before they start the simulation. Then they would awarded points based on a particular parameter (such as how high they jumped) as well as whether their hypothesis was correct. Their scores would be saved because each student will have an account with their best designs and scores. We would also like to allow students to play against each other in design contests, or with each other in teams. Most students liked the idea of working in pairs, but hopefully we can make it so students can work in a variety of situations.
     We would also like the students to be able to click on the material they are using to see the microstructure. A possibility would be to ask the students to describe how the microstructure of the best material differed from that of the worst material. This could then be stored in a file for the teacher to access to gauge student progress. In the teacher mode, we would also like to give the teacher the ability to see all the student user names and passwords so that if a student forgot theirs, she could help them out.

Tools to Create the Program
     For an authoring tool, we are looking for something that would allow animation and graphical capabilities. However, we also need it to do mathematical equations in order to calculate how the spring constants, etc effect the animation and/or graphics. We would also like to allow the teacher to have seperate screens that show her summary information. As we haven't really explored any of the tools available except for Java, we are still undecided on this front.