On this page:
4.5.1 Function Shorthand
4.5.2 Curried Function Shorthand
4.5.3 Multiple Values and define-values
4.5.4 Internal Definitions
Version: 4.1

4.5 Definitions: define

A basic definition has the form

(define id expr)

in which case id is bound to the result of expr.


  (define salutation (list-ref '("Hi" "Hello") (random 2)))

  > salutation


4.5.1 Function Shorthand

The define form also supports a shorthand for function definitions:

(define (id arg ...) body ...+)

which is a shorthand for

  (define id (lambda (arg ...) body ...+))


  (define (greet name)

    (string-append salutation ", " name))

  > (greet "John")

  "Hello, John"

  (define (greet first [surname "Smith"] #:hi [hi salutation])

    (string-append hi ", " first " " surname))

  > (greet "John")

  "Hello, John Smith"

  > (greet "John" #:hi "Hey")

  "Hey, John Smith"

  > (greet "John" "Doe")

  "Hello, John Doe"

The function shorthand via define also supports a “rest” argument (i.e., a final argument to collect extra arguments in a list):

(define (id arg ... . rest-id) body ...+)

which is a shorthand

  (define id (lambda (arg ... . rest-id) body ...+))


  (define (avg . l)

    (/ (apply + l) (length l)))

  > (avg 1 2 3)


4.5.2 Curried Function Shorthand

Consider the following make-add-suffix function that takes a string and returns another function that takes a string:

  (define make-add-suffix

    (lambda (s2)

      (lambda (s) (string-append s s2))))

Although it’s not common, result of make-add-suffix could be called directly, like this:

  > ((make-add-suffix "!") "hello")


In a sense, make-add-suffix is a function takes two arguments, but it takes them one at a time. A function that takes some of its arguments and returns a function to consume more is sometimes called a curried function.

Using the function-shorthand form of define, make-add-suffix can be written equivalently as

  (define (make-add-suffix s2)

    (lambda (s) (string-append s s2)))

This shorthand reflects the shape of the function call (make-add-suffix "!"). The define form further supports a shorthand for defining curried functions that reflects nested function calls:

  (define ((make-add-suffix s2) s)

    (string-append s s2))

  > ((make-add-suffix "!") "hello")


  (define louder (make-add-suffix "!"))

  (define less-sure (make-add-suffix "?"))

  > (less-sure "really")


  > (louder "really")


The full syntax of the function shorthand for define is as follows:

(define (head args) body ...+)











(head args)










arg ...





arg ... . rest-id

The expansion of this shorthand has one nested lambda form for each head in the definition, where the innermost head corresponds to the outermost lambda.

4.5.3 Multiple Values and define-values

A Scheme expression normally produces a single result, but some expressions can produce multiple results. For example, quotient and remainder each produce a single value, but quotient/remainder produces the same two values at once:

  > (quotient 13 3)


  > (remainder 13 3)


  > (quotient/remainder 13 3)



As shown above, the REPL prints each result value on its own line.

Multiple-valued functions can be implemented in terms of the values function, which takes any number of values and returns them as the results:

  > (values 1 2 3)




  (define (split-name name)

    (let ([parts (regexp-split " " name)])

      (if (= (length parts) 2)

          (values (list-ref parts 0) (list-ref parts 1))

          (error "not a <first> <last> name"))))

  > (split-name "Adam Smith")



The define-values form binds multiple identifiers at once to multiple results produced from a single expression:

(define-values (id ...) expr)

The number of results produced by the expr must match the number of ids.


  (define-values (given surname) (split-name "Adam Smith"))

  > given


  > surname


A define form (that is not a function shorthand) is equivalent to a define-values form with a single id.

Definitions: define, define-syntax, ... in Reference: PLT Scheme provides more on definitions.

4.5.4 Internal Definitions

When the grammar for a syntactic form specifies body, then the corresponding form can be either a definition or an expression. A definition as a body is an internal definition.

All internal definitions in a body sequence must appear before any expression, and the last body must be an expression.

For example, the syntax of lambda is

(lambda gen-formals

  body ...+)

so the following are valid instances of the grammar:

  (lambda (f)                ; no definitions

    (printf "running\n")

    (f 0))


  (lambda (f)                ; one definition

    (define (log-it what)

      (printf "~a\n"))

    (log-it "running")

    (f 0)

    (log-it "done"))


  (lambda (f n)              ; two definitions

    (define (call n)

      (if (zero? n)

          (log-it "done")


            (log-it "running")

            (f 0)

            (call (- n 1)))))

    (define (log-it what)

      (printf "~a\n"))

    (call f n))

Internal definitions in a particular body sequence are mutually recursive; that is, any definition can refer to any other definition – as long as the reference isn’t actually evaluated before its definition takes place. If a definition is referenced too early, the result is a special value #<undefined>.


  (define (weird)

    (define x x)


  > (weird)


A sequence of internal definitions using just define is easily translated to an equivalent letrec form (as introduced in the next section). However, other definition forms can appear as a body, including define-values, define-struct (see Programmer-Defined Datatypes) or define-syntax (see Macros).

Internal Definitions in Reference: PLT Scheme documents the fine points of internal definitions.