Version: 4.1

3.9 Vectors

A vector is a fixed-length array of arbitrary values. Unlike a list, a vector supports constant-time access and update of its elements.

A vector prints similar to a list – as a parenthesized sequence of its elements – but a vector is prefixed with #. For a vector as an expression, an optional length can be supplied. Also, a vector as an expression implicitly quotes the forms for its content, which means that identifiers and parenthesized forms in a vector constant represent symbols and lists.

Reading Vectors in Reference: PLT Scheme documents the fine points of the syntax of vectors.


  > #("a" "b" "c")

  #("a" "b" "c")

  > #(name (that tune))

  #(name (that tune))

  > (vector-ref #("a" "b" "c") 1)


  > (vector-ref #(name (that tune)) 1)

  (that tune)

Like strings, a vector is either mutable or immutable, and vectors written directly as expressions are immutable.

Vector can be converted to lists and vice-versa via list->vector and vector->list; such conversions are particularly useful in combination with predefined procedures on lists. When allocating extra lists seems too expensive, consider using looping forms like fold-for, which recognize vectors as well as lists.


  > (list->vector (map string-titlecase

                       (vector->list #("three" "blind" "mice"))))

  #("Three" "Blind" "Mice")

Vectors in Reference: PLT Scheme provides more on vectors and vector procedures.