A Healthy and Safe Pregnancy

Contact Information


Contact information about those involved in the project.

Our latest project proposal.

Meeting Notes
Minutes from the meetings we've had.

Initial Storyboard
Our initial storyboard as presented in class on 3 /15/01

CS 92
The course home page.

Name Lauren Austrian
Phone 867-5584
E-mail Lauren_Austrian@brown.edu
Name Melissa Cheng
Phone 867-6796
E-mail mcheng@cs.brown.edu
Name David Goldberg
Phone 867-4321
E-mail dsgoldbe@cs.brown.edu
Name Ryan Lynch
Phone 338-4424
E-mail ryanmlynch@yahoo.com
Name Ranyee Chiang
Phone 831-2149
E-mail Ranyee@brown.edu
Name Joseph J. Hallett, M.D.
Office Phone 729-2582
Beeper 452-0033
E-mail Joseph_Hallett@brown.edu