
Weekly Log

Approximate Deadlines:
Wed, Feb 12:
bulletWebpage up
bulletMeet w/ Mrs. Lynch to go over specifications


Fri, Feb 14:
bulletRevised Project description posted to list


Fri, Mar 7:
bulletAll students should decide whether they will write about a research article or a piece of instructional software relevant to their team's project.


Fri, Mar 14:
bulletStoryboards should be posted or discussed on the project pages, and all project teams should decide on the tool they will use to create their software.
Wed, April 30:
bulletProject Presentations.


Immediate Concerns:
  1. Look at old programs.
  2. Draw out mini-storyboards for our Thursday meeting.
Already done:
  1. Getting in touch w/ Mrs. Lynch.
  2. Incorporating her ideas with our own.
  3. Revised Project Proposal for Friday.

questions? [swarren].
Last updated: 02/11/03.