Weekly Log

Weekly Log
Project Proposal

Week 1:  Feb 3, 5

    We had our first meeting, traded contact information, and talked a bit about why we were enthusiastic about the course in general and this project in particular (liking kids and wanting to interact with them/teach them, interest in software design, and a desire to work with younger children all came up as key reasons).

    We composed & sent an email to Mrs. Lynch, and agreed to all come up with a list of questions for her about her expectations, what this would be replacing/complementing, and what sort of challenges she foresaw.  We hope to meet with her on Monday or Tuesday of next week.

Week 2:  Feb 10, 12

    We met with Mrs. Lynch on Wednesday in her classroom.  We all very much enjoyed being there (and the candy that we got for pushing in our  *tiny* chairs when we left!).  She walked us through the workings of the function machines, and talked a bit about the kids in her class.  A major theme was that we should start early.

    We met on Thursday to draw out the new project proposal and to start talking about design.  For next week, we are each to look at the other programs Mrs. Lynch has used, and to each do a mini-storyboard so that we can start conceptualizing what this will actually look like.

We plan to meet next Thursday at noon.

Week 3:  Feb 19

 We met this week to try to hammer out a visual presentation and talk a bit about our program specs in terms of Mrs. Lynch's overall program vision. We need to figure out a good, "lovable" character.

Week 4:  Feb 24, 26

 We've decided to use the "machine" metaphor for the bulk of our graphics and program layout. Conveyor belts, cranes, spinning gears, etc. Our character will sit on top of the machine and handle input and direct user focus.

Week 5:  Mar 3, 5

 Lots of discussions this week on the use of sound in our program. Since we won't be using written instructions, we will obviously need some. The Frax and Buzz! handled this well. We have to figure out how to incorporate sounds (motivational as well as instructional) without being annoying. Some disagreement within the group as to how much is TOO much.

Week 6:  Mar 10, 12

 Our storyboard is ready to present (see the main page for the powerpoints and reactions).

Week 7:  Mar 17, 19


Week 8:  Mar 31, April 2

 We met and decided to break up the program so that An and Susan would be doing all of the programming and playing with Director, while David and Aicha would be handling the graphics and sound. Susan and An started meeting to learn to use Director.

Week 9:  April 7, 9

 An and Susan met several times this week to continue learning to use Director.

Week 10:  April 16, 18


Week 11:  April 23, 25


Project Conclusions


questions? [swarren].
Last updated: 02/14/03.