Initial Questions

Weekly Log

The team was asked to come up with a list of questions to ask Mrs. Lynch at our initial meeting, in order to focus our project proposal.


  1. What sort of activities and teaching will this program be a complement to?  Are there worksheets, etc. that we can look at to gauge the difficulty level we should aim for?
  2. How much can this be text-based, and how much should it rely on graphics?
  3. How long will children use this in the average session?  If they do multiple segments of the program (e.g. patterns and simple adding), how long should these blocks last?
  4. Should a gradient of difficulties be built in?
  5. Since she's worked with cs92 before, are there any things in the past that she has particularly liked or disliked?


questions? [swarren].
Last updated: 02/11/03.