Summary of notes from 2/18 group meeting

This was a short meeting in which we briefly discussed which authoring tools we could use to "attack" this program.  The two possibilities we focused on were as follows:

1. HTML, SQL, and C++
2. Director, SQL, and Lingo

After talking to one of the TA's, we decided that #2 wasn't the way to go, for a number of reasons. Supposedly Director does not have a native interface to SQL, and we would have to interface to it using sockets and other unnecessarily difficult things.  If we were to instead use a file-based system for storing the user data, again Director/Lingo would not be the way to go, because (like Java), file I/O operations are protected and not easily implementable.

Thus, we have chose option #1 to create this client/server application.

Note:  One other important issue that came up during this meeting was the idea that multiple questions that the user can ask may in fact point to the same answer.

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