Summary of notes from 2/27 group meeting (initially with Ross included)

This was a gratuitously long meeting in which we got very little done.  Below is a [very] brief summary of the events that took place, with important items in bold typeface.

  Met with Ross (boldness questionable)
  Checked out
Verified Britney Spears' real age (Adam was amazed, she's 17!)
Talked about why n0rp is good
Set up, and discussed relevance to Ross
Jesse looked at obscenely closeup pictures of breasts (and Saturn)
Were highly amused by recent letters to the editor in the BDH (concerning homosexuality and wrestling)
Jesse looked at more breasts, and Chris commented that they were not breasts
Chris decided that breasts are not useful, and admitted that he would not know how to "handle" them if ever exposed to them
Ben commented that Chris is "like an 80's movie"
We "quadruple word-scored" with Macho Man Randy Savage, Shakespeare, slim jims, and CS92
Decided that we would house our project [temporarily?] on the server at BSA
Jesse discussed why he is a chmod hax0r
Ben offered himself to be harassed fully on rumors
Tasks assigned:
     - Ben = looking into parsing and other wack-jobby string things
     - Jesse = looking into CGI stuff with C++
     - Adam = hacking more HTML for things like the storyboard
     - Chris = helping Adam with storyboard
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