Summary of notes from 3/7 group meeting

Yet another exciting meeting, in which we actually did accomplish some things (important items are in bold typeface):

  Chris was elected notes gimp
  Jesse and Adam got into a fight
  Ben and Adam lost their minds

Ben discussed his research on the question/answer section of our program:
      "Wordnet" - package (from Princeton??) that is based on keyword searches
          - free
          - C interface is available
          - will return to us some sort of confidence rating based on the two strings
          - we can set up a few templates for each question to map to

  Confirmed housing on BSA servers (Jesse needs to set up Adam and Ben with accounts)
  Briefly pondered writing a non CGI-based server end, but then decided that using C++ as CGI scripts would take less time

Thought about if keeping state with the SessionID variable would be difficult:
     - Adam said that he does this in Python all day, and thus won't be a problem
     - need only do a simple search/replace on a templated HTML file - easy!

  Adam volunteered to research more of the structure of what our CGI interface will look like
  Adam propositioned Jesse, but Jesse turned him down (damn, we were doing good for a while there)
  Chris volunteered to work more on the storyboard
  Adam brought up the Kama Sutra of Pooh page (
  Ben busted out with an incredibly random Bel Biv Devoe quote: "All the philly steak you can eat." (we still have no idea what he's talking about)
  Tasks assigned:
       - Ben = wordnet thing
       - Jesse = more CGI interface stuff (DBI for C++ found already)
       - Adam = more detailed design of program in its entirety
       - Chris = work on storyboard
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