International Contacts and Visits

There were numerous visits to the five Center sites and visits by Center faculty abroad, all for the purpose of discussing research topics of mutual interest. No specific agreements were discussed. A selection of visits follows:

o Jim Arvo was visited by Kevin Novins from Otago University in New Zealand for two weeks in June. The trip was sponsored by an organization in New Zealand that promotes US/NZ collaborations. The purpose of the trip was to work on human-computer interaction for symbol manipulation.

o Al Barr was visited by Atsushi Takaghi, Electronic Commerce Toyota Motor Corp., Japan.

o Elaine Cohen and Rich Riesenfeld were visited by Professor T. Lyche of the University of Oslo, for several weeks in April to continue ongoing research on the use of multivariate splines in geometric designs. Another visit will be needed to develop initial ideas into concrete results.

o Elaine Cohen was visited by G. Elber of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel for several weeks. A joint paper has been submitted to the Solid Modeling '97 conference.

o Henry Fuchs gave the keynote speech at the 2nd Visualization Conference, held by the Physics Department of Technion Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel, on June 30, 1996. He was the guest of Dr. Joan Adler. He spoke before a mixed audience of computer scientists, physicists, chemists, engineers, etc., from academia and from industry.

o Don Greenberg visited and gave lectures at ETH in Zurich in December, 1995 at the Department of Architecture and CAAD Schmidt at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. A new master's student at the Program of Computer Graphics this year, Moreno Piccolotto, came to Cornell as a result of Dr. Greenberg's visits to that lab. Dr. Greenberg also spent a week at the Hewlett-Packard research labs in Bristol, England.

o Anselmo Lastra gave the keynote address at Cyberconf96 in Madrid, Spain in June, 1996.

o Dinesh Manocha gave invited talks at Graphicon'96 in St. Petersburg, Russia, and WAFR'96 (Workshop on Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics) held at Toulouse, France.

o Peter Schroeder was visited by Dr. Leif Kobbelt, Erlangen University, Erlangen, Germany and also visited Konrad Zuse Institute, Berlin and the Mathematics Department of Technical University of Berlin.

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