Interaction- Desktop Environments

Interactive Illustrations

Project Overview

Interactive Illustrations employ text, images, movies, sounds, animations, and simulated 2D and 3D microworlds to teach concepts in Computer art and design as well as introductory computer graphics and to disseminate examples of center research. The goals for this project include exploring new web and media technologies and using them to present information, identifying a taxonomy of interactive illustrations, and creating a style guide to assist in the design of new interactive illustrations.

The introductory computer graphics applets created by the illus group consist of tools used to teach computer graphics to students in high school through the graduate levels.

The WARP group, which is a subset of the illus group, seeks to create graphically innovative teaching tools that expose diverse groups to the art and science of computer graphics. Education, Research, and Outreach are integrated as the undergraduate WARP authors learn new skills and concepts, become involved with related research, and create platform independant software that is distributed over the Internet to a large audience of students and teachers.

Center Sites


Lead Researchers

Dave Jackson
Anne Spalter
Steven Dollins

Bibliographic References

Beall J.E., Doppelt A.M., and Hughes, J.F., "Developing an Interactive Illustration: Using Java and the Web to Make It Worthwhile", Computer Graphics (Proceedings of 3D and Multimedia on the Internet, WWW and Networks) , 16-18 April 1996, Pictureville, National Museum of Photography, Film & Television, Bradford, UK
Sam Trychin's Thesis on the graphical design of interactive illustrations
Sam Trychin's Thesis Notes
Sascha Becker's Thesis on Educational Interactive Illustrations

Interaction Bibliography
Full Research Bibliography

Web References

Interactive Illustrations

Interaction Overview
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