Interaction- Immersive VR Environments

Projective Manipulation

A third person view of the Head Crusher technique. The inset shows the first person view.
A third person view of the Lifting Palm technique. The inset shows the first person view.
A third person view of the Framing Hands technique. The inset shows the first person view.

Project Overview

The Center has created a new interaction style for immersive VR called "projective manipulation." Projective manipulation extends established cursor-based desktop 3D interaction techniques to immersive VR. For example, to select a distant object, the user positions a finger in front of his or her eye so that the fingertip appears to be on top of the distant object. The user's fingertip is equivalent to a 2D cursor in desktop interaction [FORS96]. Part of this work has been done in collaboration with the User Interface Group at the University of Virginia [PIER97]. Preliminary results from pilot usability studies indicate that manipulating projections is more effective than techniques that require the user to intersect objects in 3D.

Center Sites

Brown, UNC

Lead Researchers

Andy Forsberg
Robert C. Zeleznik

Bibliographic References

[FORS96]A. Forsberg, K. Herndon, R. Zeleznik, "Aperture-Based Selection for Immersive Virtual Environments," Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface and Software Technology (UIST) "96, pp. 95-96.
[PIER97]J. Pierce, A. Forsberg, M. J. Conway, S. Hong, R. Zeleznik, "Image Plane Interaction Techniques in 3D Immersive Environments," Proceedings of 1997 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics (Providence, Rhode Island, April 27-30, 1997), pp. 39-43.

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