Modeling - Physically-Based Modeling

Structured Modeling Application: Developmental Modeling


Project Overview

We have applied principles of structured modeling [BARZ92] to developmental modeling [FLEI95a] and to cellular texture generation using a biologically-motivated cellular development simulation [FLEI95b]. The resulting developmental models combine elements of chemical, cell-lineage, and mechanical models of morphogenesis. They can represent a wide range of biological phenomena, explain biological mechanisms, and be used for graphics modeling of complex organic phenomena.

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Lead Researchers

Kurt Fleischer

Bibliographic References

[BARZ92] R. Barzel, Physically-Based Modeling for Computer Graphics: A Structured Approach, Academic Press, July 1992

[FLEI95a] Kurt Fleischer, "A Multiple-Mechanism Developmental Model for Defining Self-Organizing Geometric Structures," Ph.D. Thesis, California Institute of Technology, June 1995.

[FLEI95b] Kurt W. Fleischer, David Laidlaw, Bena L. Currin, and Alan H.Barr, "Cellular Texture Generation," Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1995, ACM SIGGRAPH, pp. 239- 248.

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Web References

Fleisher's Thesis A Multiple-Mechanism Developmental Model for Defining Self-Organizing Geometric Structures
Developmental Modeling

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