Modeling - Surface Representation

Shape Recovery of Volume Data with Deformable B-Spline Models

Project Overview

Tangent plane continuity at patch boundaries is important in modeling arbitrary topologies from multiple rectangular patches. We have developed nonlinear (cubic) constraint techniques to create G1 continuity across the edges of datafit tensor product spline surfaces whose edges might change under optimization [SAND96]. These methods have been used to recover and model vascular structures from MRI data [SAND97].

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Lead Researchers

Allen Sanderson
Elaine Cohen

Bibliographic References

[SAND96]A. Sanderson, "Shape Recovery of Volume Data with Deformable B-Spline Models," Ph. D. Thesis, University of Utah, 1996.

[SAND97]A. Sanderson, E. Cohen, T. Henderson, D. Parker, Deformable B-Spline Models with Application to the Human Vascular System, submitted for publication

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