Rendering - Physically-Based Rendering

Global Illumination-Perception: Tone Reproduction Operator

This image utilizes the tone reproduction operator to provide a visually accurate display.

Project Overview

Accurate simulation of radiometric scene properties does not guarantee that the final images will have a realistic visual appearance. Current display devices are limited in a number of ways, including spatial resolution, temporal resolution, absolute and dynamic range, and color gamuts. In addition, the observer of the physical scene and the observer of the display may be in very different visual states, which can affect how they perceive the visual information before them.

A better understanding of the spatial, temporal, chromatic, and three-dimensional properties of vision can lead to even more realistic and efficient graphics algorithms. Our research framework in this area is based on the idea of a tone reproduction operator, introduced by Tumblin [TUMB93], which incorporates the physical transfer properties of the display device and the visual states of the scene and display observers. Using this visual model to determine the mapping from simulated scene radiances to display radiances that produce a perceptual match between the scene and the displayed image, we can produce images predictive of what observers in the simulated scene would see. This allows the images to be used quantitatively in areas such as illumination engineering, transportation and safety design, and visual ergonomics.

Current global illumination algorithms spend a great deal of time computing unimportant and imperceptible scene features. Algorithms can be substantially accelerated by using error metrics that correctly predict the perceptual thresholds of scene features. The establishment of these techniques will not only allow realistic visual display, but will also provide a feedback loop to improve the efficiency of the global illumination computations.

Center Sites


Lead Researchers

Donald P. Greenberg
Peter Shirley
Jim Ferwerda
Sumant Pattanaik

Bibliographic References

[TUMB93]J. Tumblin and H. Rushmeier, "Tone Reproduction for Realistic Images", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 13(6), pp. 42-48, 1993.

1995 Greg Spencer, Peter Shirley, Kurt Zimmerman, and Donald Greenberg. "Physically-Based Glare Effects for Computer Generated Images." In Computer Graphics, Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1995, ACM SIGGRAPH, pp. 325-334.

1996 James Ferwerda, Sumant Pattanaik, Peter Shirley, and Donald Greenberg. "A Model of Visual Adaptation for Realistic Image Synthesis." In Computer Graphics, Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1996, ACM SIGGRAPH, pp. 249-258.

1997 James Ferwerda, Sumant Pattanaik, Peter Shirley, and Donald Greenberg. "A Model of Visual Masking for Computer Graphics." In Computer Graphics, Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1997, ACM SIGGRAPH, in press.

Rendering Bibliography

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Web References

Physically-Based Rendering Physically and Perceptually-Based Parallel Global Illumination Solutions
Perception-Guided Display
Realistic Image Synthesis

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