Scientific Visualization

Data and Image Analysis - Ultrasound Image Data Use

The fetus in this picture was modeled using ultrasound and displayed in a video see-through head mounted display.

Project Overview

Data interpretation is an important step in visualizing any form of measured data. The Center has been exploring two widely used forms of medical imaging, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Ultrasound Image Data Use. The Center is applying its new real-time, stereoscopic, video-see-through augmented-reality system to ultrasound-guided needle biopsy, a medical procedure. The system combines properly registered live ultrasound data with views of the patient in a head-mounted-display (HMD). Trial experiments with physician collaborators are underway.

Center Sites


Lead Researchers

Henry Fuchs
Andrei State
David Chen

Bibliographic References

Scientific Visualization Bibliography

Full Research Bibliography

Web References

See-Through Video HMD Ultrasound Research Use
UNC Ultrasound Research
UNC Ultrasound Research
UNC current ultrasound work
UNC Ultrasound Research

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