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Version: 4.1

3.5 Stuff URL

 (require web-server/lang/stuff-url)

"lang/stuff-url.ss" provides an interface for "stuffing" serializable values into URLs. Currently there is a particular hard-coded behavior, but we hope to make it more flexible in the future.

(stuff-url v u)  url?

  v : serializable?

  u : url?

Serializes v and computes the MD5 of the serialized representation. The serialization of v is written to "$HOME/.urls/M" where `M’ is the MD5. `M’ is then placed in u as a URL param.

(stuffed-url? u)  boolean?

  u : url?

Checks if u appears to be produced by stuff-url.

(unstuff-url u)  serializable?

  u : url?

Extracts the value previously serialized into u by stuff-url.

In the future, we will offer the facilities to: