Version: 4.1

Web Server: PLT HTTP Server

    Jay McCarthy (

The Web Server collection provides libraries that can be used to develop Web applications in Scheme.

    1 Running the Web Server

      1.1 Command-line Tools

      1.2 Functional

    2 Scheme Servlets

      2.1 Definition

      2.2 Contracts

      2.3 HTTP Requests

      2.4 Request Bindings

      2.5 HTTP Responses

      2.6 Web

      2.7 Helpers

      2.8 Servlet URLs

      2.9 Basic Authentication

      2.10 Web Cells

      2.11 Environment

    3 Web Language Servlets

      3.1 Definition

      3.2 Usage Considerations

      3.3 Reprovided API

      3.4 Web

      3.5 Stuff URL

      3.6 Web Extras

      3.7 File Boxes

      3.8 Web Parameters

      3.9 Web Cells

    4 Configuration

      4.1 Configuration Table Structure

      4.2 Configuration Table

      4.3 Servlet Namespaces

        4.3.1 Why this is useful

      4.4 Standard Responders

    5 Dispatchers

      5.1 General

      5.2 Mapping URLs to Paths

      5.3 Sequencing

      5.4 Timeouts

      5.5 Lifting Procedures

      5.6 Filtering Requests

      5.7 Procedure Invocation upon Request

      5.8 Logging

      5.9 Password Protection

      5.10 Virtual Hosts

      5.11 Serving Files

      5.12 Serving Scheme Servlets

      5.13 Serving Web Language Servlets

      5.14 Statistics

    6 Web Config Unit

      6.1 Configuration Signature

      6.2 Configuration Units

    7 Web Server Unit

      7.1 Signature

      7.2 Unit

    8 Continuation Managers

      8.1 General

      8.2 No Continuations

      8.3 Timeouts

      8.4 LRU

    9 Internal

      9.1 Timers

      9.2 Connection Manager

      9.3 Dispatching Server

        9.3.1 Dispatching Server Signatures

        9.3.2 Dispatching Server Unit

      9.4 Serializable Closures

        9.4.1 Define Closure

      9.5 Cache Table

      9.6 MIME Types

      9.7 Serialization Utilities

      9.8 URL Param

      9.9 Miscellaneous Utilities

        9.9.1 Contracts

        9.9.2 Lists

        9.9.3 URLs

        9.9.4 Paths

        9.9.5 Exceptions

        9.9.6 Strings

    10 Troubleshooting

      10.1 General

        10.1.1 IE ignores my CSS or behaves strange in other ways

    11 Acknowledgements
