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Version: 4.1

2.1 Definition

A servlet is a module that provides the following:

interface-version : (one-of/c 'v1 'v2)

A symbol indicating the servlet interface the servlet conforms to. This influences the other provided identifiers.

timeout : integer?

Only if interface-version is 'v1.

This number is used as the continuation-timeout argument to a timeout-based continuation manager used for this servlet. (See Timeouts.) (i.e., you do not have a choice of the manager for this servlet and will be given a timeout-based manager.)

manager : manager?

Only if interface-version is 'v2.

The manager for the continuations of this servlet.

(start initial-request)  response?

  initial-request : request?

This function is called when an instance of this servlet is started. The argument is the HTTP request that initiated the instance.