CS92: Bridges!
in conjuction with the Lincoln School
Erin Carey,
Diana Chien,
Jason Li

The final product is complete! Several versions are available for download:

We hope you enjoy the program!

5/01: Tested program with teacher as the children were unavailable for the day / aren't at the correct stage in their course to use the program yet,, see meeting minutes .

4/07: Preliminary / rough program specifications.

4/06: Revised plan, see progress report 1.

Storyboard feedback

3/17: Storyboard images 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

3/16: Added 2 relevant articles/studies in the Links section.

2/26: Updated revised proposal.

2/20: Met up and discussed project with teachers at the Lincoln School. They had class members show us what they could do with a computer. Borrowed 3 books from Mrs. Bryan.

2/11-2/18: Exchanged emails with Connie Bryan, the teacher of the 3rd grade class at the Lincoln School.