Performance - Graphics Systems


The golf ball was rendered using Pixel-Planes 5

Project Overview

The Center uses the DARPA-funded advanced computer graphics engine at UNC, Pixel-Planes 5, which has achieved record performance in rendering speed. The Center-wide availability of such hardware, together with our infrastructure, enables us to undertake graphics and visualization projects that we would otherwise be unable to tackle. The hardware is used, for instance, in a Utah/UNC collaboration to render complex models in real-time and in a Cornell/UNC collaboration to improve shading interpolation by using higher-order polynomial approximations.

Center Sites

Brown, Caltech, Cornell, UNC, Utah

Lead Researchers

Henry Fuchs
John Poulton

Bibliographic References

Performance Bibliography

Full Research Bibliography

Web References

PIXEL-PLANES 5 Project Summary
Pixel-Planes/PixelFlow Project Summary
PixelFlow-High-Speed Rendering Using Image Composition 1992 SigGraph paper

Performance Overview
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