Brown CS News

New CS-Economics concentration

We're delighted to announce two new undergraduate concentrations: the A.B. and Sc.B in Computer Science-Economics.

Computer Science-Economics A.B.

Interested students may contact concentration advisors in either the Department of Computer Science or the Department of Economics.

Prerequisites: Math 9 and 10 or Math 17. Math 52 or 54. Economics 11.

Required courses: Applied Math 165. Seven CS courses are required, consisting of either CS15, 16 or CS17, 18; CS22, 31, and 51; and two courses from either the analytical track (CS141, 155, 157, 159, 176, and one of AM121 and AM166) or the information systems track (CS32, 123, 126, 127, 141, 167, 173, and 190). Six additional economics courses are required: EC113 (or, with permission, 111), 121, 163, and three other 100-level courses of which two must be chosen from the `mathematical-economics group' (EC117, 147, 164, 171, 178, 182, 186, and 187).

Computer Science-Economics Sc.B.

Interested students may contact concentration advisors in either the Department of Computer Science or the Department of Economics.

Prerequisites: Math 9 and 10 or Math 17. Math 52 or 54. Economics 11.

Required courses: Same as those for the Computer Science-Economics A.B. with the addition of two more 100-level CS courses (CS32 may be used) and two more 100-level economics courses (one of which must be from the mathematical-economics group). Students must also complete an approved design or independent study course in either Computer Science or Economics. CS190 may be used for this if it is not used elsewhere in the concentration.

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