The renovation work is moving fast now -- another couple of days and the staircase will be done!
March 30, 2005
The renovation work is moving fast now -- another couple of days and the staircase will be done!
March 23, 2005
And today we're similarly delighted to announce that Ugur Cetintemel has also received one of NSF's sought-after CAREER grants. To quote from NSF's web page, "The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of the early career-development activities of those teacher-scholars who are most likely to become the academic leaders of the 21st century." Congratulations, Ugur!
Ugur's CAREER project is called "Datacentric infrastructures for autonomous sensing-actuation applications"; its abstract reads, in part:
Emerging sensing-actuation applications will use ...
March 21, 2005
View from the CIT third to fifth floors
Work on CS's renovation and expansion to the CIT third floor is moving quickly, with an anticipated completion date of April 2. Our stairway, now extended to the third floor, was just today denuded of its long-term Christo-like plastic wrappings; the accompanying dramatic if somewhat vertiginous photo shows the view looking up from the third floor to the fifth.
March 21, 2005
We're delighted to announce that Shriram Krishnamurthi has received one of NSF's sought-after CAREER grants. To quote from the NSF web page, "The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of the early career-development activities of those teacher-scholars who are most likely to become the academic leaders of the 21st century." Congratulations, Shriram!
Shriram's CAREER project is called "Formal verification of aspect-oriented software"; its abstract reads:
Module systems have grown significantly in scope and sophistication. The most recent ...
March 16, 2005
We’re delighted to report that Shriram Krishnamurthi has been awarded a Henry Merritt Wriston Fellowship for the next academic year. Brown University gives this award to recognize (quoting from the award letter) “the distinguished contributions that our faculty make to undergraduate education”. Receipt of the award entitles the faculty member to one semester’s relief from teaching duties; it is the award committee’s hope that “by rewarding your commitment to teaching thus far with a Wriston Fellowship, we will be supporting research that will continue to enrich your teaching in the future”.
Shriram’s application for this fellowship ...
March 15, 2005
Brown has just started a snappy new publication. "Inside Brown: News, People, and Ideas at the University" put out its first number this week, and we're proud to say that this debut issue features not one but two CS faculty.
The article "Online Philanthropy: from the Clink of a Coin to the Click of a Mouse" describes at more length last semester's student project in Steve Reiss's CS 9-3, noted in our news article of November 24, 2004 (http://www.cs.brown.edu/news/2004/1124.Charities.html). In this project, initiated by ...