Brown CS News

Archives August 2008

Doeppner, Hughes, Krishnamurthi and Reiss Awarded $540,000 from the NSF

The National Science Foundation has recently awarded Professors Tom Doeppner, Spike Hughes, Shriram Krishnamurthi and Steven Reiss a grant, in the expected amount of $540,000, to develop an integrated and rigorous set of courses for teaching students in the humanities and social sciences concepts from computer science. The project, entitled “Applied Computer Science for the Humanities and Social Sciences,” aims to fill an educational void by providing the appropriate computer science skills to these students, and stressing web-based gathering and dissemination of information. It will give students in the humanities and social sciences the appropriate background to apply computational ...

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Named UTRA supports CS-Music Collaboration


By Jocelyn Adams and Ian Sherman

In the spring of 2007, a team composed of Jocelyn Adams, a composer/musician and music concentrator, and Ian Sherman, a musician and computer science concentrator, received a named UTRA earmarked for research in media and production. They pursued their project entitled, “Wearable sensor networks as an interface to interactive media,” under the guidance of Professor Ugur Cetintemel.

As aspiring musicians and scientists, Ian and Jocelyn were drawn to this project as a chance to bridge their interests in art and technology. Interactive media is an active research area at Brown in the electronic ...

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