Brown CS News

Brown CS Alums Win WSJ Innovation Award

Bryan Cantrill '96, Mike Shapiro '96, '97 Sc.M., and Adam Leventhal '01 -- all engineers at Sun Microsystems -- received the top prize in the Wall Street Journal's 2006 Innovation Awards for their work on DTrace.

The following originally appeared on the Wall Street Journal's website.

"Bryan Cantrill and a team of engineers at Sun Microsystems Inc. have devised a way to diagnose misbehaving software quickly and while it's still doing its work. While traditional trouble-shooting programs can take several days of testing to locate a problem, the new technology, called DTrace, is able to track down problems quickly and relatively easily, even if the cause is buried deep in a complex computer system."

"The DTrace trouble-shooting software from Sun was chosen as the Gold winner in The Wall Street Journal's 2006 Technology Innovation Awards contest, the second time in three years that a Sun entry has won the top award. The panel of judges, representing industry as well as research and academic institutions, selected Gold, Silver and Bronze award winners and cited one technology for an Honorable Mention."

"A Wall Street Journal editor initially screened more than 600 applications. The judges then considered 121 of the entries, selecting 12 category winners and 37 runners-up. Among the category winners are the top three award winners."

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